Laurie D

  • 14832 Oceana Ave Allen Park 48101, United States - Allen Park
    This is a picture of our vinyl fence. The dog who lives in the house behind us goes crazy when ever our dog it out and it has broken our fence.. I would love it if the people who live there could please fix or have our fence repaired. Can that be made possible?
  • Weed issue. 已存档
    14831 Thomas Allen Park Mi 48101 - Allen Park
    The house is a rental and every summer the back of their garage is a pig sty this year it is the weeds.. they are taller than my privacy fence.. they are blooming and shredding seeds in my yard.. also they have a stolen yield sign in the yard..
  • 7706 Allen Rd Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    Is it legal to park two cars wide on the easement between the sidewalk and Allen road? I live on Oceana and this makes it very difficult to pull out into Allen rd. If it is legal how can that be changed and if it is not can a sign be put up so that the patrons know not to park there?
  • 4865 Oceana Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    Home owner has had the new garbage can on her front lawn since they were delivered 3 weeks ago..
  • 4875 Oceana Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    Two houses on the 1400 block off rosedale that haven't cut their grass yet this year. They are right next to each other.
  • 4875 Oceana Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    Two houses on the 1400 block off rosedale that haven't cut their grass yet this year. They are right next to each other.
  • 4875 Oceana Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    Two houses on the 1400 block off rosedale that haven't cut their grass yet this year. They are right next to each other.
  • 4849-4857 Oceana Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    There are two houses on the 1400 block of Oceana the have not cut their grass yet his year. There are right next to each other.
  • 4831 Thomas Ave Allen Park, MI 48101, USA - Allen Park
    I don't know why it got the address wrong but the correct address is 14831 Thomas. We had a vinyl fence installed a few years ago and now the house behind us has become a rental and they have all kinds of junk behind the garage and they keep putting thing against the fence and bowing it out.. Also they have open garbage all over the ground, a ton of sand that leaks thru the fence, it looks like a garbage pit back there. And because of the garbage we have had to go out and get rat traps because we have now seen mice and rats in our yard.